How to reach customers in a digital way

With sales videos, sales employees use a virtual way to address customers without becoming impersonal or generic. The creation of acquisition videos does not have to be time-consuming or expensive.

Customers are becoming more and more in charge of the sales process. Thanks to the internet, they are able to inform themselves about products and services. Many tend to react negatively to cold calls, and only those who are already considering a purchase can be consulted.

The decision for consultation or purchase is therefore usually already made before a sales representative comes into play. In order for the advantages of a product to be properly understood by the customer, however, there is often a greater need for explanation, especially in the B2B sector.

This confronts salespeople with enormous challenges in addressing customers, not only in times of Corona, because many customers, after doing their own research, are no longer willing to be advised and informed. This makes it difficult to communicate the USP of a product.

In B2B sales, customers set the tone

What many customers want is a real contact person, and the best way to get to know them is to see them face-to-face. Of course, there are also video chats, but similar to telephone conversations, the customer must first make contact himself. Acquisition videos, however, help interested parties to become active themselves and seek contact.

Videos can be used in many ways in sales. For example, they can be used to support tele-sales or to address customers directly via email or InMail. In a recent study, 95% of respondents agreed that customers understand their products and services better with a short video. That is why many prospective customers prefer to watch a product video first before they think about making a purchase.  

As with tele sales, the message in a sales video must be on point. But unlike a call, there is enough time to prepare the video, change it and send it only when the result is satisfactory. Thus, the pressure behind the one-time chance of a call is taken out.

Four more convincing reasons

A sales video can be used to build a connection with the customer that feels real and personal. The video signals that there is no bot at the other end, but a live person who responds to questions and provides the best service. A person with whom customers can build trust.  

Customer acquisition via video therefore not only pushes the lead generation of companies forward, but also increases conversions. The message and the USP of a product are conveyed professionally, clearly and with personality and expertise. This shows appreciation and strengthens customer loyalty.

Not only fully digitalized sales benefit from sales videos

In general, the creation of videos for companies is considered rather expensive and time-consuming. Many hire several different companies to get the desired result. However, there are now video content management systems (video CMS) that allow sales teams to become video producers themselves.

With the SaaS solution VARYCON, for example, sales videos can be easily integrated into the existing sales workflow. It is a cloud-based software that enables working from anywhere - even from the home office. Thanks to the intuitive video CMS, not only digital natives but also people without much digital experience can become producers themselves.

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